CLARION CALL: STAND UP FOR THE 'LAST BASTION' DO NOT TINKER Written by : Wg Cdr Abhishek Matiman (Retd) Worst fears coming true, never did fathom it would all happen so fast though. The Indian Armed Forces always took pride in having been an apolitical organisation. Having delivered every single time when called upon, for obvious reasons, did make them an object of envy to all others. So much so, that armchair warriors blessed with the proximity of our policy making leadership worked overtime to somehow pull the soldier down from the high pedestal that the citizens place him at. Seeking parity, infact going for one upmanship against the Armed Forces with actually nothing to boast of, as regards their own work / achievements. Of late, the trend has risen to alarming levels. Whilst the policy for appointments at the top echelons of military leadership does cater for limited polit...
Veteran Mil.Aviator, Defence Spokesperson: Geopolitics,Defence,Aerospace,CorporateAffairs.